
  1. What is the MPC Template and how to get it?

    The rest of this content is intended to teach basic Canvas skills that you'll need to work on your copy of the template. These skills include the Canvas basics for editing, communicating and grading. If you know basic Canvas use, feel free to skip straight to using the Template.

  2. How to edit the content in the template: page, module, assignment, quiz, discussion, text header. Move items, Next.

  3. How to add & remove content: page, file, URL, discussion, assignment, quiz. For a full explanation of all the attributes in Canvas assignments and pages, see the Canvas Instructor Guides.

  4. How to communicate with students via 
    1. Inbox. Send messages to students using Inbox. Your course must be published in order to use Inbox. Here's the Canvas video tutorial on Inbox.  For all the details, see the Canvas Instructor Guides on Inbox.
    2. Message students who ....  Send a message to students who haven't submitted straight from the gradebook.
    3. Announcements. An announcement will generate a notification outside of Canvas only once the course has started. Here's the Canvas video tutorial on Announcements. For all the details, see the Canvas instructor Guides on Announcements.

  5. How to do grading in Canvas. Here's the Canvas video tutorial on the Gradebook. For all the details, see the Canvas Instructor Guides on Grades.

You now have enough information to work with the MPC Template in your own course.  If you need assistance, click Help in Canvas, then click the Weekday Canvas Support from MPC, or email